Gain flexibility over your speaker placement without the need for extension cables by following this longer IEC cable quick tip. 

Quick Answer: Invest in replacing your 6 ft IEC cables with 25 ft versions to have more control over your speaker placement without the need for extension cords.

What Is An IEC Cable?

An IEC cable is the most common power connector type found on powered speakers, mixers, and a lot of other equipment that you may own too.

IEC Cable Length

When you purchase a powered speaker, it will come with a relatively short 6 ft version of the IEC cable. This works great if the outlet is right on the floor by your speaker. However, if the outlet is further away, you need to use an extension cord.

Our solution and top tip, replace all of your 6 ft IEC cables with 25 ft IEC cables. You’ll gain flexibility over where you can position your speakers and no longer need to use an extension cord.

IEC Cable Cost & Quality

25 ft IEC cables are relatively inexpensive if you order in bulk, and they are widely available from online retailers.

We recommend buying 12 or 14 gauge cables for your powered speakers. 16 gauge is too light for this application, but it would work for less demanding LED lights.

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Quick Tip: Use Longer IEC Cable Topics

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