Searching for the best streaming settings for your GoXLR and Rode PodMic setup? In this article, we’ll share the best settings for this popular combination that will have your next live stream sounding great.

Quick Answer: Use a low threshold noise gate if there is background noise in your environment. Flat EQ works well for talking head videos, while a vocal EQ pattern will help with clarity over game noise. We recommend moderate compression and de-esser settings in all cases.

Connect the Rode PodMic to the GoXLR

We recommend that you always use an XLR to XLR cable when connecting the Rode PodMic to the GoXLR’s XLR input. This jack has a better preamp and will deliver the best results.

It is possible to use an XLR to 1/8” cable to connect to the GoXLR’s headset input, but the preamp on that jack will not provide sufficient gain.

  • XLR Cable:
  • GoXLR & Rode PodMic Mic Gain Set Up

    • Open the mic setup window in the GoXLR software
    • Select the “Dynamic” mic type
      The “Condenser” setting will activate 48 V of phantom power. This won’t harm the PodMic, but it’s unnecessary.
    • Set the gain slider
      Talk into the PodMic and raise the gain slider until the meter is peaking in the “good” area. We found 54 dB was the sweet spot for us, but this will vary depending on your voice.

    GoXLR & Rode PodMic Noise Gate Set Up

    A noise gate is a useful tool that automatically mutes a microphone until the volume of the sound it is capturing exceeds a specified threshold.

    For example, when you mic a drum kit, multiple mics are set up around the kit. You don’t want the mic on the floor tom to hear the snare drum, so you put a noise gate on it. Now the mic will only activate when the floor tom is hit, as that is when the volume is loudest for that mic.

    A noise gate is also helpful in controlling background noise during live streams. You don’t have to use a noise gate; it depends on your recording environment.

    If you have some background noise in your environment, here are the settings we recommend:

    • Threshold: -40 dB to -45 dB
      Anything more aggressive can sound choppy.
    • Attenuation: 50% to 75%
      This controls how much the microphone is muted when the gate is closed. 50% means the volume is cut by half instead of fully muting the mic.
    • Attack: 10 ms (default)
    • Release: 200 ms (default)

    GoXLR & Rode PodMic EQ Settings

    One of the reasons you bought the Rode PodMic is that you like how it sounds right out of the box. If you’re doing a talking-head video with no game noise, we’d suggest leaving the EQ settings as they are.

    If you’re mixing your microphone with game noise, it’s important to create space for the game audio to exist while ensuring your voice is clear and not competing for attention when your mic is live.

    Here are the EQ settings we recommend when using the Rode PodMic in streams with game noise:

    • 31.5 Hz: -9
    • 63 Hz: -3
    • 125 Hz: 0
    • 250 Hz: 0
    • 500 Hz: -2
    • 1 kHz: 0
    • 2 kHz: 1
    • 4 kHz: 1
    • 8 kHz: 0
    • 16 kHz: -5

    GoXLR & Rode PodMic Compressor Settings

    In simple terms, you can think of the compressor as an auto mixer for your microphone; it makes the loudest sounds quieter, and the quietest sounds a little bit louder.

    Our recommended compressor settings for the GoXLR and Rode PodMic are:

    • Threshold: -15 dB
      When your microphone exceeds this level, compression will be applied.
    • Ratio: 3.2:1
      Maintains some dynamic emotion in your voice.
    • Attack: 2 ms (default)
    • Release: 100 ms (default)
    • Make-up gain: 5 dB
      Brings up the quieter moments in your audio to narrow the dynamic range.

    GoXLR & Rode PodMic De-Esser Set up

    The de-esser removes the distracting S’s, T’s, clicks, and other mouth noises from your vocal audio. This can make it easier to listen to for prolonged periods. We recommend a setting of 50%.

    GoXLR & Rode PodMic Pricing & Specs

    GoXLR & Rode PodMic Topics

    • 0:00 – Introduction
    • 0:11 – Pricing & Specs
    • 0:25 – Equipment Setup
    • 0:37 – Connect PodMic to GoXLR
    • 1:15 – Mic Gain Setup
    • 2:30 – Noise Gate Setup
    • 5:06 – EQ Setup
    • 8:54 – Compressor Settings
    • 11:19 – DeEsser Setup
    • 12:11 – Setup Overview
    • 13:05 – Final Thoughts

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