Let’s compare the Mackie ProFX6v3 audio mixer and the Mackie ProFX10v3.

Both of these audio mixers are from Mackie’s ProFX series, more specifically the version three of the ProFX series. 

Since both of these mixers are from the same line, they have many similarities, such as preamps, balanced XLR outputs, balanced ¼-inch outputs, etc. So, in this video, we mostly compare the size of the mixers and the features you get in each of them.

Quick Answer: The ProFX10v3 and ProFX6v3 share a lot of the same hardware and have a lot in common. However, the 10v3 has more features, including inserts, one-knob compression, 3 band EQ across all channels, aux/FX send knobs, pan controls, and mute buttons.

Comparing the Mackie ProFX6v3 and ProFX10v3

Both of these mixers are 3rd version models from the Mackie ProFX line. We can safely assume that the quality of the pre-amps is the same, the XLR outputs are balanced, the 1/4” outputs are balanced, and the USB outputs are highly comparable.

The ProFX6v3 has 6 channels, and the ProFX10v3 has 10. Aside from those obvious differences, we’ll be comparing the size of the mixers and the features they offer.

Microphone Inputs

Both mixers have combi jack inputs on channels 1 and 2, allowing you to plug in XLR microphones, 1/4” instrument, or line level sources. Both mixers also have identical pre-amps on channels 1 and 2 that go up to 60 dB of gain for a mic level input and 40 dB of gain for an instrument or line level input. 

Insert Jack

Only the ProFX10v3 has insert jacks on channels 1 to 4. These take the signal from the pre-amp, send it to an outboard piece of equipment such as a compressor or reverb unit, and then return the processed signal to the channel strip. This feature is not available on the  ProFX6v3.

Instrument Level Inputs

Both of the mixers have a HI-Z button on channels 1 and 2. This feature is designed to be used with a 1/4” instrument level input, e.g., when you’re plugging an electric guitar or bass directly into the mixer. Turning HI-Z on scales the pre-amp for the input to be more appropriate for those sources.

Low Cut

Both mixers have a low cut button on channels 1 and 2. This feature rolls off the low end frequencies, ensuring your vocal audio doesn’t enter subwoofer territory. It’s a pretty standard feature to use for all voice recordings.

One Knob Compressor

The one-knob compressor is only found on the ProFX10v3. Turning the knob clockwise will reduce the threshold, reducing the loudest parts of your audio with a fixed compression ratio of 6:1. It helps prevent peaking and control the volume of your input without mixing the volume knob constantly. 

2 Band & 3 Band EQ

Both of the mixers have EQ controls on channels 1 and 2. The ProFX6v3 has 2 band EQ, while the ProFX10v3 has 3 band EQ controls. The 10v3 has EQ controls on all 10 channels.

ProFX6v3 2 Band EQ

  • High: 12 kHz
  • Low: 80 Hz

ProFX10v3 3 Band EQ

  • High: 12 kHz
  • Mid: 2.5 kHz
  • Low: 80 Hz

Aux/FX Send

Both mixers have the same 24 effect FX engine with the same preset selector and FX mute controls. However, the ProFX6v3 only has a button to turn effects on or off on the first 2 channels, with one master FX volume knob to adjust the overall FX amount.

The ProFX10v3 has an aux/fx send knob on all channels. This knob controls the amount of FX applied to each channel when using the built-in FX engine. Alternatively, it allows you to control the amount of auxiliary level that you’re sending to a monitor or external effects unit via the 1/4” FX send output.

Pan & Stereo Pan Button (Multi-Track Recording)

There is a pan knob for every channel on the ProFX10v3. The ProFX6v3 lacks this feature but does have a stereo pan button affecting channels 1 and 2. When pressed, this button effectively pans channel 1 to the left and channel 2 to the right.

That might seem crazy at first, but it’s a feature designed for multi-track recording. This way, you can send two microphone signals to your audio software on separate channels. Below the pan controls, both mixers have identical level knobs to control the final volume for each channel.

ProFX6v3 Line Inputs

Line input 3/4 on the ProFX6v3 is a stereo pair of 1/4” line level inputs. This is great for connecting a phone or other stereo source to your mixer. Line input 5/6 is a single aux line input for connecting a phone or anything else with a 1/8” headphone jack.

Below these inputs is a level knob that controls line 3/4, the stereo pair input. And below that is a level control knob for line 5/6, the 1/8” aux input. This is where things can get confusing.

Above the line 5/6 level knob, there is a button labeled USB 3-4. If you’re playing audio through your computer, you can bring it into the mixer using the blend knob or by pressing this button. When you press the button, USB audio is brought in via channels 5/6, and the knob will now control the level for that audio.

Above the blend knob is the “To Phones” button. This allows you to monitor your audio on the main meter without the need to increase the level on the input channels. Finally, there are control knobs for FX return, headphones volume, and master output volume.

ProFX10v3 Line Inputs

With 4 additional channels, the ProFX10v3 has lots more input options. Channels 3 and 4 each give you the option of an XLR input, a 1/4” line level input, and an insert connection. They aren’t set up for instrument level inputs.

These channels also have their own gain control, 3 band EQ, Aux/FX send, pan, mute, and level controls. Mute buttons are great for streaming as you can pre-set your level and unmute the audio when required. Unfortunately, the ProFX6v3 doesn’t have mute buttons, so you have to adjust the level knobs manually.

Line 5/6 and 7/8 are stereo pair channels, each with two 1/4” line level inputs. They each get the full range of controls seen on other channels, unlike the ProFX6v3, which only has very basic controls for its stereo pair channels.

Line 9/10 on the ProFX10v3 is the same as 5/6 on the ProFX6v3, with a single aux input. It also features a USB 3-4 button, which works in the same way we detailed earlier.

Phantom Power

Both mixers are able to supply phantom power (48v) for condenser microphones and have an on/off button located next to the green power LED. This works for all XLR inputs on each console.


Each mixer has a main level output control knob. This doesn’t affect the USB audio output volume, which you can only adjust via each channel’s gain and level settings. The level knob controls the balanced 1/4” and XLR outputs at the top of each mixer.

The ProFX10v3 also has control room outputs. These are used for desktop monitors in a studio environment. You can run powered speakers and studio monitors simultaneously on the ProFX10v3, which isn’t an option on the ProFX6v3. Each mixer also has a headphone volume knob.

Both mixers have audio meters, with the ProFX10v3 showing more detail than the 6v3. A break button below the meter on both mixers kills the XLR and 1/4” outputs. We don’t believe it affects the USB output. However, the channel mute buttons on the 10v3 will. 

Mackie ProFX6v3 VS ProFX10v3 Specs

Mackie ProFX6v3
Mackie ProFX10v3
6 (2 x mono, 2 x stereo)
10 (4 x mono, 3 x stereo)
Computer Connectivity
USB (2 x 4)
USB (2 x 4)
A/D Resolution
24-bit / 192 kHz
Mic Inputs
2 x XLR-1/4″ combo
2 x XLR-1/4″ combo, 2 x XLR
Phantom Power
Line Inputs
2 x 1/4″ (line), 1 x 1/8″ (stereo)
2 x 1/4″, 4 x 1/4″ (2 x stereo), 1 x 1/8″ (stereo)
Main Outputs
2 x XLR, 2 x 1/4″ (L/R)
2 x XLR, 2 x 1/4″ (L/R), 2 x 1/4″ (control room)
Aux Sends
1 x FX Send (post)
4 x 1/4″ (channel)
1 x 1/4”
1 x 1/4”
1 x Type B
1 x Type B
EQ Bands
2-band EQ, 100Hz Low-cut Filter
3-band EQ, 100Hz Low-cut Filter
Signal Processing
2 x Channel Compressors
GigFX Engine (24 FX)
GigFX Engine (24 FX)
12V DC
12V DC
2.6 lbs
4.9 lbs

Mackie ProFX6v3 VS ProFX10v3 Prices

Mackie ProFX6v3 VS ProFX10v3 Topics

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 0:12 – Pricing & Specs
  • 0:30 – Mackie ProFX Series
  • 1:15 – Microphone Inputs
  • 1:37 – Insert Jack
  • 1:59 – Instrument Level Inputs
  • 2:18 – Low Cut 
  • 3:08 – One Knob Compressor
  • 4:03 – 2 Band & 3 Band EQ
  • 4:22 – Aux / FX Send
  • 5:55 – Pan & Stereo Pan Button (Multi-Track Recording)
  • 7:12 – Level Knobs
  • 7:30 – 6V3 Line Inputs
  • 9:47 – 10v3 Line Inputs
  • 10:26 – Mute Buttons
  • 11:26 – 10v3 Line Inputs (cont.)
  • 12:49 – FX Engine
  • 13:04 – Phantom Power
  • 13:28 – Outputs
  • 15:26 – Summary
  • 17:09 – Final Thoughts

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